Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Fighting Corruption Is a Global Concern

Faraj Aldossary
Summary Response
Writing Class - Heidi Wright

Fighting Corruption Is a Global Concern
In this article “Fighting Corruption Is a Global Concern”, by David Zussman. The author discussed anti-corruption conference in Beijing that helps C think about corruption in world. Next, the author talks about the T. I. report making corruption issues visible to public. In addition, the author states that countries and global organizations are working together to abolish corrupting in society, business and government. Finally, the author mentions huge amount of global bribes are more spend that government financial.

It is clear that he calls against corruption. Corruption is considered a disease that damages any field, which will be around. Generally, corruption has disadvantages more than those advantages accepted for people who deal with. However, corruption should be fought form different institutions, besides, individuals because corruption wastes other’s rights.

First of all, people who deal with corruption cannot be honest or truthful because they will take sly and unclear ways to care for their self-behalf. For example, a manager who accepts to get bribery will take care for people who pay to him regardless of the system or regular people whom rights will be wasted. Moreover, there will be no difference between a persistent employee and a lazy employee. For example a teacher, who sell final exam questions to his students, will make money and his students will get high scores while a good teacher will get regular salary and his students will get regular scores. So, corruption reflects criterions and facts and wastes the rights.

Next, Corruption declines production of work. Corruption kill integrity because employees, who accept corruption situation, cannot do their duties unless they get illegal stimulants. For example, when a student always gets a gift from his father to do his homework, he will never fulfill his assignment without that gift. In addition, corruption impairs the work system of what leads to decline of production. For example, employees, who know that their manager takes bribe, won’t follow his directions exactly, therefore, productions of work will be decreased. Corruption comes with many problems caused sloth of production.

Third, Corruption causes less respect between a person who takes it and others. A person who deals by bribery his respect will be decreased for himself because he does wrong something that is not his right. For example, if a teacher’s morals don’t prevent him to take bribery, that means that he lost his face. In addition, coworkers will see at the person who takes bribery ,as kind of corruption, like a person who lives without morals, beliefs, and respect. For example, the teacher, who gives his students the final exam questions, will be isolated from his coworkers. Therefore, corruption loses much respect.

In conclusion, corruption wastes much good things, such as other’s rights, enough production, and required respect. Corruption damages beautiful life weather it is private or public. Corruption is malady that should be away from societies to get beautiful balance life.

From Ottawa citizen, Octoober 11, 2005, pp. A15. Copyright@2005 by David Zussman. Reprinted by permission.

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